On the first day of Raya, I went to my colleague house and having the delicious food which was prepared by them as well. My colleague are nice clean wholesome men. We are working together every weekend and even the Public holidays. Being their friend is awesome as they are really kind to me. Nicely, yes.... They shared their precious incident and experienced to me as how their lifestyle are...
Is quite funny... For me, nothing special about me... I am a straight forward guy who told everything to my friends that happened around me, excluding the little secret. We went to "Ice Box" together, which is the chaotic place by the nice bus. It was around Five houses that we have thronged to. They served us with the delicious food such as the "Bugis cooking" and so on... They prepared us with the different kinds of cooked food such as the "curry ayam" ,bull meat pepper sticks and some more food.
One thing that I realized in my mind show that no matter they are live in the poor or rich, they will never be ashamed or prance for how their house looked like. I went to their house fearfully because their place is chaotic and I am the one who is Chinese amongst them. But it was great and excellent in my 17-year life, that I could play and loitering with them around 4 hours ago... We talked and played, having fun together...They are my colleague and also my best friends maybe my mutual friends to say the least....
One more things that I felt ridiculous and funny was the girls wore the High Hill shoes. When they walked along the small bridge, which is links to the houses. Actually it is the wooden bridge and got many little poles on the bridge. However, heheh.... they had shoved they feet of shoes inside the holes and screaming for helped as if I could help them for taking out their shoe. In my little paradise.....it was great....
Here are my colleague......
